In-Line Analysis of Topical Flavorings & Seasonings

Accurate application of oil-based seasonings and flavorings is critical to a snack food company’s brand value and bottom line. Not only does variation in seasoning affect product flavor and appearance, but oil-based seasonings can be expensive. To avoid ingredient over-formulation, plant managers adjust the seasoning load by regulating the sprayer pump. However, changes in seasoning consistency, clogged nozzles, and other factors can influence the seasoning load.

In-line near-infrared (NIR) technologies offer a versatile non-contact method for managing ingredient usage and spray applicator performance. Download the application brief document to learn more.

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Recursos del producto

Absorción de agua para una masa óptima y papel para hornear
Perspectivas tecnológicas

Absorción de agua para una masa óptima y papel para hornear

Analizador NIR de rango extendido SpectraStar™ XT-R

Analizador NIR de rango extendido SpectraStar™ XT-R

Harina, masa y productos horneados
Alimentación y forraje
Alimentos preparados