In-Line Analysis of Topical Flavorings & Seasonings

Accurate application of oil-based seasonings and flavorings is critical to a snack food company’s brand value and bottom line. Not only does variation in seasoning affect product flavor and appearance, but oil-based seasonings can be expensive. To avoid ingredient over-formulation, plant managers adjust the seasoning load by regulating the sprayer pump. However, changes in seasoning consistency, clogged nozzles, and other factors can influence the seasoning load.

In-line near-infrared (NIR) technologies offer a versatile non-contact method for managing ingredient usage and spray applicator performance. Download the application brief document to learn more.

Centre de connaissances


Ressources Produits

Absorption d'eau pour une pâte optimale BAKERpaper
Perspectives technologiques

Absorption d'eau pour une pâte optimale BAKERpaper

Analyse de l'humidité dans la production de biscuits et de craquelins
Note d'application

Analyse de l'humidité dans la production de biscuits et de craquelins

Farine, pâte et produits de boulangerie
Aliments pour animaux et fourrages
Aliments préparés