Bench NIR Analyzers

From processed food production to tobacco processing, many raw ingredients are sold to manufacturers on a commoditized price-by-parameter basis. For instance, flour may be sold to commercial bakeries at a price based on protein and ash content expectation, or soybean meal sold to pet food processors on a moisture, protein, and oil basis.
Analysis of incoming ingredients is just one facet of the quality control process. Measuring finished product samples for important compositional parameters before packaging provides another layer of assurance to satisfy consumer expectations and improve shelf life.

Investing in an at-line or laboratory technology to measure these common yet important quality parameters can help manufacturers avoid overpaying farmers and suppliers, and ensure final product consistency, providing a fast return-on-investment that continues to payback over and over. Near infrared (NIR) analysis systems – such as the SpectraStar™ and QuikCheck™ series analyzers from KPM Analytics – are a proven tools to help quality control experts in a wide variety of industries quickly and easily measure samples for moisture and vital compositional results.
Our benchtop NIR analyzers are designed for laboratory or at-line use and employ several robust technologies to measure moisture, protein, and fat/oil, along with several more challenging parameters such as fibers, sugar, starch, coat weight, and others. These analyzers include product calibrations that have been developed from decades of sample analysis and are trusted by thousands of quality laboratories and production facilities to help remove subjectivity and make data-driven decisions.
Explore our benchtop NIR analyzer product offerings below.
Our Products
Our bench Near-infrared (NIR) analyzers are designed for laboratory or at-line use and employ several robust technologies to rapidly measure moisture, protein, and fat/oil and a wide variety of other parameters such as fibers, sugar, starch, coat weight, etc.