How Snack Cheese Producers Can Improve Product Quality & Consistency with Vision Inspection Technology

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Manual Inspection Drawbacks
Single-serve cheese snacks have long been a popular choice among dairy product consumers. Not only are they a great source of protein and an easy snack to have on the go, but the individual packaging helps ensure a consistent and healthy serving.
For snack cheese producers, visual inspection – whether during the process of shaping or cutting the cheese into its serving size or applying packaging around the final product – is vital to quality assurance. Product size, shape, color, and the presence of any defects are all important inspection parameters in snack cheese processing.
In many operations, employees are put on the production line to manually inspect each snack as it passes through. However, this is highly subjective which means it can become a costly and time-consuming effort in the long run when defects are missed or foreign material goes undetected by the human eye.
An Automated, In-Line Vision Inspection Solution Exists

Vision inspection systems use a series of high-speed cameras and imaging software to detect and measure objects without contact as they move along a conveyor belt. Virtually any food product can be measured using 2D/3D/color imaging technology, either directly during the production process (Over-Line/In-Line) or using a Benchtop Vision Inspection System (At-Line or Lab).

Visualize a New Standard for Quality
With vision inspection technology, your dairy products can now be characterized in meaningful and complex ways that are difficult with traditional, standard methods. Take the guessing-game out of quality control, reduce waste, and improve your yield today.
Contact Us to Learn More!
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