"SmartChem® offers automated analysis, significantly reducing the time spent on manual steps such as sample preparation, calibration, dilution and handling. Sample programming and report generation are also more accessible with SmartChem®. It is more user-friendly, easier to learn and adapt to, even for less experienced users."
Florin Crisan
Lab Manager, Minear Laboratorae SRL
“The SmartChem has enabled the team to analyze complex water samples. We use SmartChem to test for sulfate, total phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and total Kheldahl nitrogen.”
Sophia Carreon
Laboratory Analyst, Lake County Health Department
“My background is in Six Sigma lean manufacturing, so data is really important for making decisions and having the right sample size. Prior to this data we were making decisions on a small sample size, and we weren’t able to make good decisions. The new vision system provides a sample size encompassing 100% of the product coming off all three production lines and rejects product that is out of spec. Our employees love it. It’s a communication tool to tell where we’re at with waste in real-time”
Marcus Garcia
Bakery Director, La Brea Bakery
“Each flour delivery we receive from the miller includes a data sheet of values from the Mixolab 2, which we use to audit against our own analysis. It is as if we are speaking a new language together with the Mixolab 2, which has greatly helped our relationship and productivity with this miller.”
Jessica Bitar
Total Quality Manager, Wooden Bakery
"Over the years, we have developed flour quality profiles for our numerous products with the Mixolab 2. We test each new flour delivery before production to inform our product chefs about any discrepancies in quality. It allows our production team to plan ahead and take a lot of guesswork out of their responsibilities.”
Jessica Bitar
Total Quality Manager, Wooden Bakery
"We started our journey with Mixolab 2 as a pioneer within the Puratos group. We would typically send flour samples to an external lab to make rheological analyses, adding more steps to our quality control protocol. Bringing this analysis in-house has improved our operations in many ways.”
Ivana Aničić
R&D manager for Puratos Serbia
"We teach our students—who are trained for management positions in grain milling and process technology—that it is critical to obtain accurate measurements throughout the process. The Alveolab, Mixolab and SDmatic from CHOPIN Technologies quickly and effectively get you those vital measurements.”
Michael Weber
Principal of the Prestigious Institution Swiss Milling School
"We’re proud to be one of the best known companies in the world providing customized solutions for standardizing, improving and fortifying flour. We work closely with worldwide experts in grain, flour and dough analysis—like the team at CHOPIN Technologies—to stay at the cutting edge of innovation.”
Hendrik Begemann
Global Head of Business Unit, MÜHLENCHEMIE
SDmatic 2彩页
部件编号 PT-Academy-009
本课程面向对更好地管理设备和改进结果感兴趣的 SDmatic 2 用户。本课程将帮助您了解如何安装 SDmatic 2、如何执行 2 项测试以及如何维护设备。
部件编号 PT-Academy-005
AlveoPC 吹泡仪
部件编号 PT-Academy-006
本课程面向对更好地管理设备和结果感兴趣的 AlveoPC 用户。除其他主题外,您还将学习如何安装 AlveoPC、如何执行测试以及如何正确维护设备。
SpectraStar™ XT系列近红外分析仪
部件编号 PT-Academy-001
本课程涵盖 SpectraStar XT 日常操作的所有主题,包括样品分析、常规诊断、基本配置、仪器开箱和设置。
UCAL 4定标软件
部件编号 PT-Academy-002
本课程包括近红外理论和UCal 4 SW的定标开发,专为开发或维护Unity SpectraStar™ XT近红外分析仪近红外定标的人员设计。所有学员的电脑上必须有UCal 4的授权版本。
Mixolab 2混合试验仪
部件编号 PT-Academy-008
本课程面向对更好地管理设备和结果感兴趣的 Mixolab 2 用户。本课程将帮助您了解如何安装 Mixolab 2、如何执行测试以及如何维护设备。
部件编号 PT-Academy-003
部件编号 PT-Academy-004
Alveolab® 全自动吹泡仪
部件编号 PT-Academy-007
本课程面向对更好地管理设备和结果感兴趣的 Alveolab® 用户。除其他主题外,您还将学习如何安装 Alveolab® 、如何执行 Alveolab® 测试以及如何正确维护设备。